Usage TOP


This chapter consists of three parts:

1. Install prerequisites

K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR primarily depends on FULLOCK, K2HASH, CHMPX and K2HTPDTOR. Each dependent library and the header files are required to build K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR. We provide two ways to install them. You can select your favorite one.

1.1. Install each dependent library and the header files from GitHub

Read the following documents for details:

1.2. Install each dependent library and the header files from

This section instructs how to install each dependent library and the header files from

Note: Skip reading this section if you have installed each dependent library and the header files from GitHub in the previous section.

For recent Debian-based Linux distributions users, follow the steps below:

$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get install curl -y
$ curl -s \
    | sudo bash
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf autotools-dev gcc g++ make gdb libtool pkg-config \
    libyaml-dev libfullock-dev k2hash-dev chmpx-dev libfuse-dev -y
$ sudo apt-get install git -y

For users who use supported Fedora other than latest version, follow the steps below:

$ sudo dnf makecache
$ sudo dnf install curl -y
$ curl -s \
    | sudo bash
$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ gdb make libtool pkgconfig \
    libyaml-devel libfullock-devel k2hash-devel chmpx-devel fuse fuse-devel -y
$ sudo dnf install git -y

For other recent RPM-based Linux distributions users, follow the steps below:

$ sudo yum makecache
$ sudo yum install curl -y
$ curl -s \
    | sudo bash
$ sudo yum install autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ gdb make libtool pkgconfig \
    libyaml-devel libfullock-devel k2hash-devel chmpx-devel fuse fuse-devel -y
$ sudo yum install git -y

2. Clone the source code from GitHub

Download the K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR’s source code from GitHub.

$ git clone

3. Build and install

Just follow the steps below to build K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR and install it. We use GNU Automake to build K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR.

$ cd k2hftfuse
$ sh
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install

After successfully installing K2HFTFUSE and K2HFTFUSESVR, you will see the k2hftfuse help text:

$ k2hftfuse -h
[Usage] k2hftfuse
 You can run k2hftfuse by two way, one is manual and the other is using mount command.

 * run k2hftfuse manually
     k2hftfuse [mount point] [k2hftfuse or fuse options]
   for example:
     $ k2hftfuse /mnt/k2hfs -o allow_other,nodev,nosuid,_netdev,dbglevel=err,conf=/etc/k2hftfuse.conf -f -d &

 * using mount/umount/fusermount
   makes following formatted line in fstab:
     k2hftfuse [mount point] fuse [k2hftfuse or fuse options]
   for example:
     k2hftfuse /mnt/k2hfs fuse allow_other,nodev,nosuid,_netdev,dbglevel=err,conf=/etc/k2hftfuse.conf 0 0
   you can run k2hftfuse by mount command.
     $ mount /mnt/k2hfs
     $ umount /mnt/k2hfs
     $ fusermount -d /mnt/k2hfs

 * k2hftfuse options:
     -h(--help)                   print help
     -v(--version)                print version
     -d(--debug)                  set debug level "msg", this option is common with FUSE
     -o umask=<number>            set umask with FUSE
     -o uid=<number>              set uid with FUSE
     -o gid=<number>              set gid with FUSE
     -o dbglevel={err|wan|msg}    set debug level affect only k2hftfuse
     -o conf=<configuration file> specify configuration file(.ini .yaml .json) for k2hftfuse and all sub system
     -o json=<json string>        specify json string as configuration for k2hftfuse and all sub system
     -o enable_run_chmpx          run chmpx slave process
     -o disable_run_chmpx         do not run chmpx slave process(default)
     -o chmpxlog=<log file path>  chmpx log file path when k2hftfuse run chmpx

 * k2hftfuse environments:
     K2HFTCONFFILE                specify configuration file(.ini .yaml .json) instead of conf option.
     K2HFTJSONCONF                specify json string as configuration instead of json option.

 Please see man page - k2hftfuse(1) for more details.
Usage TOP